ZTC stands for Zero Textbook Cost.  While an OER course is the goal, some faculty might find the transition from proprietary textbooks to completely open materials overwhelming.  To qualify for the CUNY OER Initiative award, we only ask that all your course materials are free to the students.  That is, you can make use of databases and eBooks licensed by the library as well as information on the open web.  All the resources in the chart below, for examples, count as ZTC.

Chart breaking down OER sources. Three columns. First column titled Library Resources has JSTOR and EBSCO Host logos in it. Second column labeled Free to Link has YouTube, New York Times and The Met logos listed. Third column labeled OER has OpenStax, Open Textbook Library, and Public Domain logos listed
Some available Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) resources


This module was created by Ching-Jung Chen. Portions of the content were adapted from: