Module 4: Finding OER/ZTC

Finding Openly-Licensed Materials | Finding library-licensed materials | Assignment & Discussion

Finding library-licensed materials

In addition to over 300 databases, the City College Libraries license more than 200,000 E-Books and 77,000 E-Journals, all of which are freely accessible to members of the college community.   Many of our OER faculty have made extensive use of library-licensed materials to develop their ZTC courses.

One obvious starting point, especially for those who are not familiar with the Library’s online resources, is CCNY OneSearch, which include Books, Articles, Ebooks, and Media. Note that OneSearch turns up printed materials as well.

For e-resources specifically, browse Databases A-Z, particularly E-Book Central, EBSCO eBook Academic Collection, and Springer Link.

CCNY Libraries’ Research Guide by Subject lists discipline-specific resources compiled by CCNY subject librarians.

Don’t forget that our faculty and students have access to the resources available at the New York Public Library as well.

Need help?  Post your questions to the Module 4 discussion post, or bring them to your 1:1 consultation with an OER fellow. If you need immediate assistance email [email protected].


This module was created by Ching-Jung Chen. Portions of the content were adapted from: