Module 5: Developing & Delivering OER

Developing OER | Practical Considerations | Software & Platforms | Delivering Content

Delivering course content

While Blackboard is not an open platform, it is a popular option for our OER faculty to deliver their course content.  Blackboard is supported by the college and works best if you rely on fair use for your course materials. Another popular option for CCNY faculty is a WordPress site hosted on Academic Commons, which is maintained by the Graduate Center. Here are a few examples of CCNY open course sites on Academic Commons.  Manifold and Pressbooks are two more platforms supported by CUNY.  Manifold creates textbooks, course materials, and scholarly works, allowing for collaborative annotation and class projects.

Pressbooks is a fantastic authoring tool that is available to all CUNY faculty. Several CUNY professors have already created open textbooks for their students. It also hosts numerous open textbooks from campuses around that world that are available as models, or to adopt or adapt in full or selected portions for your course. 


This module was created by Ching-Jung Chen. Portions of the content were adapted from: